
Developer,Competitive Programmer,ML enthusiast

A little about me

A Developer who likes to solve problems and A Competitive Programmer with a great zeal to incorporate that in ML. Just think incoprating the speed and efficiency of Algorithms with ML. Isn't it Exciting!

I do amazing things


Developing mobile apps and websites with amazing designs.

Competetive Programmer

Solving problems to increase my problem solving skills.

ML enthusiast

Learning Machine Learning algorithms to predict and make better models.

Recent Experience

Software Engineer Intern – Newton School

Created Api to Optimize the video playing on the production website using Django, Hls and dash in 3 months. Project gave them a increase of 20% in video watch time. There was a cost cut of 10% as we moved to our own Api rather than using AWS for same. Codebase handles 1000 GB of Data Monthly. Used Celery as a Task Queue.

Student Software Devleoper – Google Summer of Code

Developed Admin Portal for the Mobile Application from scratch in ReactJS and GraphQL in 4 months. Integrated Spam mitigation, User control and Database management features with 100% Code testing. Code is Tested for 10,000 users.

Software Devleoper Intern – Pixaflip Technologies

Coded Acadflip, An e-learning application designed to handle 10,000 users all at once and is easily scalable. Optimized Codebase to handle a large amount of Video data. Application has 5000+ downloads on Google PlayStore.

Recent Porojects

My Skill Set

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    Programming Languages

    C++, C, Java, JavaScript, Dart, Python, Go lang, SQL

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    ReactJs, GraphQL, RestAPI, NodeJS, ExpressJs, ElectronJs, Django

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    Tools / Platforms Databases / Other

    Docker, Linux, Postman, AWS, MongoDB, Data Structure and Algorithm, MySQL, NoSQL, Git, GitHub, Leadership, Communication, Firebase

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